Monday, June 13, 2011

Childrens birthday party

So, when and how did it become acceptable/necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on children's birthday parties? So many presents from everyone who wants this child to know they are loved? Thank goodness the children are real and innocent. They are so cute and just really want balloons and happiness.


Friday, June 10, 2011

105 degree Peppers

ok-the yellow and bell peppers are really goin crazy growing now. Here's a picture of them in 105 degrees. Yep, it's startin to get normal hot now. Won't be goin outside too much for the next few months and the vegetables are down to a few types due to the heat.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Just a thought-does anyone iron anymore? I do, but I seem to be the exception. Some young women I know say they don't have time and it's not really necessary-wow-wish they could see their cotton clothes as others do. How cool would it be to live in France where they iron everything and it shows-sheets, blankets, all clothes, banners, etc. very cool. Very "impressive". hee heee


Monday, June 06, 2011


I watched this movie this weekend. How can you still be so sexy at 81? This is a great movie while also showing the difference between cultures in aging. I admire the Asian culture and how they not only respect their elders but revere them. Wishn the American culture did. The movie was really about the younger generation, gangs and how the Korean veteran saved the young neighbor's life, but the subtle statements of loneliness in the veteran was well done.

Saturday, June 04, 2011


This is one of my latest ferns-in a beautiful Indian planter with raised white beads all over. Love it. The fern is so easy, too . Only water on Saturdays.
